
Choosing An ERP System: ERP Implementation Method

By: Katie Foley

Some ERP vendors can implement in a matter of months, while others can take years. A lean implementation method will ensure that your company is up and running on the new system and seeing a return on investment as soon as possible.

Remember, not all vendors implement and train customers the same way. What methods of training will be the most successful for your team? On-site? Over the web? With documentation? Or a mixture of all of the above? Here are some of the benefits of each of the ERP implementation methods listed above:

  • On-Site ERP Training.
    • On-Site ERP Training keeps the ERP team accountable. Maybe you were thinking of delaying a certain training topic for another day? Well when your ERP implementation specialist is scheduled to be onsite that day, you don’t have the option to procrastinate.
    • On-Site ERP Training may be more effective depending on your learning style. Having the ERP implementation specialist in the same room as the ERP project team during training sessions may promote a more “active” session- for example, it may promote more discussion and question asking than a webinar would.
  • Over the Web ERP Training.
    • Remote ERP Training allows more scheduling flexibility. If your ERP implementation specialist isn’t just a drive away, you don’t need to wait for him or her to travel to your location to get training done. Remote ERP training is easier to schedule and reschedule without as much notice if something in the schedule comes up.
    • Over the Web ERP Training is less expensive than On-Site ERP Training since there are absolutely no travel costs associated with Remote Training.
  • ERP Documentation.
    • ERP Documentation is important whether you are getting on-site training and remote training or a mix of the two.
    • For ERP Documentation to be effective, it should come from the ERP implementation specialist as well as your own internal ERP project team. This is important so that if a question arises down the road you can not only look at the ERP implementation specialist’s notes on the topic, but also your own, which might be easier to understand and apply.

Make sure the ERP vendor you choose has an implementation philosophy that will line up with your company’s goals. Learn more about the services offered by Visibility by visiting our Services Page

Evaluating ERP implementation style is an important step in choosing an ERP system. If you’d like to learn more about the best steps to take in choosing an ERP system click on the button below to download our guide.

Infographic Download: "Selecting an ERP System"

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