
Keep It Simple: Don't Overcomplicate Your ERP Evaluation   

By Jackie Lynch  

Evaluating a new ERP solution is no small feat. It is an integral, critical, and important technology that allows you to run your business end to end, from quote to cash. Although important, your evaluation journey does not need to be complicated. As a matter of fact, it can be simplified into 3 main steps...

(1) Why Make a Change?  

Identify the pains and challenges you are experiencing today, whether it is with your current system or lack thereof. These might look like:

  • Clunky user experience
  • Required duplicate effort
  • Siloed systems and data
  • Absence of necessary features

Acknowledge those pains in both tangible and even nontangible ways. After all, your employees use the system every day – and a major key to success is employee retention and satisfaction.

(2) Why Now?

Quantify the IMPACT of these pains and challenges. Ask yourself:

  • How are they holding you back?
  • What are they holding you back from?
  • What would success look like if these were fixed?

Then take these answers to determine a timeline and sense of urgency. Communicate that timeline both internally and with your vendor. Once everyone is aligned, the evaluation can be tailored to fit your schedule, and not the other way around.

(3) Why With Visibility? 

At Visibility, we are uniquely positioned and differentiated in our market for many reasons:

  • We have years of industry-specific expertise, in that our ERP is only serving manufacturing firms.
  • To take that a level deeper, we solely focus on To Order Manufacturing models, so our solution can support Make to Order, Engineer to Order, and Configure to Order business models. You can be assured that we speak your language and understand your world.
  • We have a single ERP solution, so all our focus and effort goes into the same product.
  • We perform all our functions in-house, meaning we can guarantee that our team is the best to support you throughout your entire customer lifecycle.
  • Our customer relationships are at the heart of everything we do. We empower our customers with a respected voice when it comes to product roadmap and shaping our R&D.

As a manufacturing firm, you are specialists in running your business. As an ERP vendor, we are specialists in ERP evaluations... so you don't have to be. Let us help you to streamline your evaluation journey. We do this by recommending a harmonious approach between our proven process and your unique needs.

Want to learn more about Visibility's ERP Solution? Reach out to us here to connect with a Visibility expert for a free demo. 

Topics: ERP Software, ERP evaluation

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