
A few short years ago the iPad came on the scene along with various android and windows based tablets.  Tablets were all the rage and topped laptops as the portable device of choice.

Then phones started expanding their capability and growing a larger footprint and bucking the initial smaller trend.  As phones got bigger, tablets grew smaller and the inevitable merge has begun.  Phones capable of doing everything a tablet could do have emerged onto the scene.

So what does this mean for software vendors?  Mobility must now include phones.  Navigation, screens and menus that worked fine on larger tablets now needs to work on smaller screened phone devices.   PC’s gave way to laptops which were somewhat replaced by tablets and now those are being replaced by phones.  Where will software and hardware go next?  That will really depend on innovators and trend setters in the hardware and software tech industry.

And ERP and other software vendors need to be agile enough to adopt and change directions quickly to keep up.  The old days of a 5 year product development plan are over.  Development plans need to be as mobile as the devices we are targeting for deployment.

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