
The Horrors of Old Hardware Failure

By: Katie Foley

Since Halloween is right around the corner, it’s only fitting that we discuss the horrors of an ERP system running on old hardware. Yes, it’s something that you should definitely be frightened of if your business is depending on very old hardware!

Are you clinging to your old server that is quickly becoming more and more obsolete? Are you still running enterprise applications on your old server because it still works “just fine”? Like an old car that keeps starting, you hesitate to replace it because it gets you where you need to go. But clinging on to old hardware just like driving around an old car, puts you at risk for catastrophic problems to hit at any moment. Loss of hardware can leave you with loss of productivity during the down time, and even worse, can leave you with loss of critical data that may not be possible to recover. 

We often sell our modern web based ERP system into companies that are running on very old hardware. A factor in the sale is often fear of old hardware failure. If, and more realistically when, these old servers fail, they are extremely hard to find to replace and if you do find a replacement server they are usually very expensive.

While the thought of implementing a new system seems overwhelming- think about the alternative, your entire enterprise application crashing due to old hardware without any notice. Beyond not having to worry about the horrors of old hardware failure, a new modern ERP system will likely bring other benefits such as increased productivity and efficiency and overall ROI.

Interested in upgrading to a new, modern ERP system? Check out our ERP solution here


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